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Habits That Help Your Commercial Refrigerator Run More Efficiently

When you have a walk-in freezer or a commercial refrigeration system, ensuring that the system runs efficiently can save you a lot of money. When you find your employees propping open the refrigerator door so they don't have to open it, you are losing a ton of cool air from your refrigerator. The system will then have to work extra hard to get back up to the temperature that you need to keep your food items cool. Opening and closing the door too many times a day can wreak havoc on the efficiency, and not getting your system serviced at least once a year will decrease how well your commercial refrigeration system works.

Yearly Maintenance for Your Commercial Refrigeration

You should have your walk-in freezer and commercial refrigerator serviced at least once a year to ensure that it is working efficiently. A trained technician will measure temperatures in both your freezer and refrigerator, clean out filters, make sure your condenser is working properly and fix any small problems that they find. With routine maintenance you are ensuring that your system runs as well as it can. When you get regular maintenance, you will be able to avoid more costly emergency repairs.

Train Your Staff About Refrigeration Efficiency

While staff will need to go into the walk-in freezer or refrigerator throughout the day, it's important to teach your staff about habits that can make the system more efficient. Remind your staff that propping open doors for more than a minute is never a good idea, as all of the cold air will be lost. Focus on keeping the cold air in your walk in freezer and the warm air out. Set up protective curtains that prevent the flow of air, even when the door is open. Remind your staff that it is very expensive to run the system, and create ways to improve efficiency in the work flow.

When you develop strategies to minimize walks to the freezer, this will help your staff work more efficiently as well. While saving on refrigeration costs may be your motivation, you will also save a little time when it comes to employee production. Regular maintenance is going to help your system run better and decrease your need for emergency repairs. When your system is maintained, you will save money on energy costs because the system will be able to cool down more efficiently. 

Contact a company like Hy-Point Restaurant Equipment & Supplies Inc. for information on different refrigerator systems.
